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Video Lapse, creative Recording mode


Updated: Jun 16, 2021

As one of the four creative recording modes, video lapse is showing the most creative with amazing potential. We joke around by saying this is the "ultimate casino game to play" meaning; you will WIN every time it's just a matter of timing.

Video lapse mode works by selecting the capture burst interval from the settings menu. Then on the main screen you select your “spanning interval” which is the interval of time not captured in live motion.

When playback at 100% speed the footage ticks a long with breaks. Adversely if you speed it up then it will look like a traditional time lapse. The golden nugget here is opportunities to capture details only seeing using constant catcher burst. The perfect moment when something comes in a frame.

YES, we have examples.

In this "Ice-Out" Video this content was specifically recorded to capture ice melting from our local river. In Video Lapse the game is time in what you will capture. In this video example, ducks and geese floating or flying by was the element of delightful surprise.

Watch this content for brief life-like footage complimented with the speedy counter part Time Lapse footage.

Within this video you can see speed differentials of content sped up ridiculously fast (10000% + playback speed) which makes it appear like a standard time lapse. Then you see sections of live action (Speed = 100% playback.) Moments of time when ducks were in frame and bobbing along the water's edge.

Only with video lapse can you have this much differential content.

For the long version with full explanation shared with behind the scenes setting, we hope you enjoy.

What's Pros of Video Lapse recording mode?

With the magic of video editing working with Video Lapse footage you have freedom to leave the content as is or speed up sections according to what interests you.

What's Cons of Video Lapse recording mode?

As with any game you are in a race with content. There is a chance you will miss the starting or ending moment and only capture in-between those points. There is a chance you will capture too little or not enough due to your settings. This recording stoped due to content on the card. Running the system at these settings is considered "Aggressive". This means either one of two things will occur. The standard 16gb card will fill up or the batteries will be depleted. 15.6 GB of content was captured providing more than enough content for this quick clip.

Tip: Running the system aggressively with close intervals selected means you will need to monitor your camera closely. Using a larger card would have an another option. Selecting a larger spanning interval like 5-30 minutes would have increased the recording time.

How to Deploy Video Lapse

Fundamentals of this Creative Recording Mode:

Video lapse mode works by selecting the capture burst interval from the settings menu. Then on the main screen you select your “spanning interval” which is the interval of time not captured in live motion.

Remember to: set a scheduled work recording schedule for working hours only

What is your recommendations for setting?

For this Ice Out Video Lapse; 3 seconds every 45 seconds, recorded for 55 hours.

Drive Lapses; 3 second burst every 5 minutes for the duration of your travel time.

Long Term Projects: 5 second burst every 15 minutes

Crafting or Cooking Quick concepts: This action happens pretty fast. Start at 3 second burst, 30 second interval. The quicker the content is the shorter the spanning interval should be set

Editing Tip:

When playback at 100% speed the footage ticks a long with breaks. Adversely, if you speed it up then it will look like a traditional time lapse. The golden nugget here is opportunities to capture details only seeing using constant catcher burst. Perfect moment when something comes in a frame.

Again, capturing in Video Lapse, creative recording mode is a game. You will win, but it's a matter of timing.

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