Extended Battery Life
Camera Feature
We are all creators in the field we specialize in, our daily jobs. The Afidus ATL-200 camera is your "go-to" camera choice for projects ranging in build/creation time from 10 minutes to long-term projects lasting months or years. If you have a lengthy build please reach out to us for help and guidance on the right settings.
TimeLapseCameras take:
The Afidus camera is new, however, it's proving itself more every day. We are still in testing the super long-term battery life and inclement weather. Here in Minnesota we have winters on par with Siberia, so you know it's cold. Very cold! Our outdoor cameras perform very will in temperatures down to -40 with lithium batteries. Checking the capture indicator light occasionally is good piece of mind when temperatures are below zero.
Our indoor cameras easily run for 30 days at a capture a minute during working hours. We also have a camera capturing every five minutes, 10 hours a day which has been running for 50 days. Our testing is ongoing and we are exited to share future updates with you.
Clip Details:
Afternoon project content captured at locations throughout Rochester, Minnesota, October-November 2018 | Capture Interval ranging from 2-10 sec. per subject |

Macro Focus
Camera Feature
Capturing details has never been so easy. With the Afidus ATL-200 set your zoom to your preference using the pinch screen live preview through app control and start your project.
TimeLapseCameras take:
Outstanding for detail captures, don't be afraid to zoom in and see the full screen detail come through. Be sure to take the time and get your focus right.
Clip Details:
11 hour 3D print | Capture Interval 5 sec. | Two vases were printed for the creation of this clip.

MP4 File Format
Camera Feature
Let's face it; if your marketing plan includes Instagram as a communication avenue, your work needs and should be immediately showcased...QUICKLY. As soon as you are done with recording your content; you can review on your phone through the app and with a couple of clicks download to your phone for further adjustments or post to your Social Media platform of choice.
TimeLapseCameras take:
Say goodby to .AVI files! .MP4 file format is here to stay. The ease of review, selection and upload of content reduces further time editing. Speed it up and go!
Clip Details:
Capture Interval ranging from 1-2 Sec | Oil on Canvas print | Captured from
11 am-2 pm | Artist: Michael Bellotti @minnyappleart

Camera Feature, ATL-200S only
Did you every find yourself wanting to get closer to your subject matter? The Afidus ATL-200's 16-35mm (DSLR equivalent) lens range gives you the flexibility to frame your subject perfectly. From close-up work to a construction site you now have the option to get rid of unwanted elements within you camera.
TimeLapseCameras take:
Decidedly amazing with remarkable precision. If your on-site and restricted from immediate posting take advantage of this feature and go ahead, ZOOM IN! Be sure to take the extra time to check your focus. This checking "chimping" process ensures accuracy of your footage. Tutorials will soon be shared on this unique method on how to ensure you've got the shot in focus and nail your clips.
Clip Details:
Capture Interval ranging from 2-10 second capture intervals | Shot on active site locations throughout Rochester, Minnesota.

Camera Feature
Your workday is Monday-Friday, right? Wrong! Your project happens during your working hours. Sometimes this includes or excludes the weekends. Why not exclude the time from the clip when the project is not being worked on? Our next shipment of cameras and firmware/app update will include this unique feature of being able to select a working schedule tailored to your hours. Set the days, working hours and interval and Go.
TimeLapseCameras take:
This clip footage was scouted for two weeks prior to the actual event. Our team has had this event on their radar as a "bucket-list" of content to capture. We waited and watched for the go live to drop any day. To capture this event our team was required to be onsite the day it started. Scheduling will be a welcome feature in the arsenal of options to reduce editing time in the long run.
Clip Details:
Capture Interval ranging from 10 second capture interval | Shot on active site Rochester, Minnesota with permission.

Camera Feature
Inspired by a pesky critter found up the block, we set the camera up to test the PIR (Passive Infrared Sensor) feature to reduce total clip time. This feature sets the camera to record only when the camera sensor is triggered. With the right setting, you'll have one clip showcasing all the action.
TimeLapseCameras take:
Critters are tricky little buggers to observe. This fun feature to work with allows you to set the camera up and walk away letting it do all the work. We find this feature useful in situations where action needs to be recorded only when it's occurring. Be sure to set the camera to Hyper capture mode so it records one complete clip. Otherwise, you'll have a set of 500+ small clips to string together. Remember we're here to help.
Clip Details:
Constant Capture Interval for PIR | Shot on active site Rochester, Minnesota.

What's new with us!
Finding just the right flower to capture was the easy part. Waiting for it to bloom...we were impatient. The end result is worth it.
TimeLapseCameras take:
Setting consistent light was no small feat to accomplish. In this setting natural light blended with studio light produced a little light flickering, this is a normal feature in creating Time Lapse Videos. We advise to take your time setting the right focus for the best outcome and to check your footage a few minutes into the capture. Remember we're here to help.
Clip Details:
Duration 8 days and two plants | Capture Interval: 20 seconds | Macro Focus