A camera reset is needed when the following occurs.
You forgot your custom password
The extreme difficulty connecting to the local Wi-Fi network
The camera has a long 'BEEEEEEEEEEEP" and is unresponsive until you pull the battery carriage out. This is mechanical failure and a camera reset will work to jump start it.

Grab the micro-USB cable handy and power battery brick fully charged. (A computer with a USB connection will also work.)
Remove the batteries and SD card.
Press the power button continuously.
While holding the power button, plug in external power (micro-USB).
The camera will begin beeping and the LED will flash, wait until the beeping and and flash has stoped. When the final beeping noise stops the reset is complete.
On your mobile device forget the existing camera network from your mobile settings and enter the Afidus default password (12345678)
Launch the app, you will be asked to change the password, make the change. We recommend keeping it easy and using 87654321.
Forget the network again and enter the new password After performing a reset, make sure you double check all of your settings by tapping the (i) info button. Quality, HDR and other configuration options will also have reverted to the factory default.
For the ATL-200S camera:
We recommend changing the Quality to +4, HDR to Low and Time Stamp off.
For the ATL-200-201 camera:
We recommend changing the Quality to +4, HDR to Low and Time Stamp off.
If you continue to have problems connecting with the camera, please reach out to us directly through whatsapp or via phone 507-884-0070 or email to info@timelapsecameras.com